
was rather sad when everyone got their big 'A' moment and i didn't except for my soci assignment A- (which was only 10% soO not counted)
am so happy this week gt 2As..
1 from my social psy project (25%)
and the other from my psy assignment (30%)
both came as shocks to me.
i rmbed the psy assignment i was crossing my fingers in front of the Ivle webpage when it was loading the gradebook...I didn't want it to be a B- or anything below (becos i scored badly for my mid term)
and the social psy one me and john were like "wth is going on" when jia hao was flipping through the evaluations and laughing all the way this morning.
As don come often for me so I treasure every moment ( I may keep & file up all my A work as a memory)..
am waiting for my deviance proj & emotions assignment..
I won't expect As again esp. for deviance becos my tutor herself is a tough nut to crack & she mentioned some parts about the proj & then she mentioned "Tattoo" oso which made me go o.O uh oh.
I'm hoping I can get them back as soon as possible esp my emotions one cos it's a open boOk exam..gahHh.
thank god tho becos I have that exam & psy on the same day.
If it's closed book, I think I'll die horribly..
Psy alone is enough to kill me (I was rather frustrated studying psy earlier on becos I was a lil distracted & even went to buy 'Mug Root Beer' to inspire mugging (yeu ai's idea lOlx).
Apart from academic As, I got to see my 'A' candies toO on my last day of school...soO lucky lOlx.
Candy A seemed so far away (in fact this is only the 2nd time I see in this semester...the 1st time was becos I was stunned by this guy who could pull off skinny jeans well (cos he was tall & lanky).
Candy B is a skinny jean puller toO (fairer, lean and perhaps slightly taller).
Candy B will look good in electric blue i tot...and he actually wore electric blue today omg.
and he seemed friendly & nice to his tutorial mates.
Wad's this thing about skinny jeans?
Dunno I guess i like people who are tall & has nice legs; Candy B fits the bill perfectly and has potential to be stylish (like you can dress him up & he'll look good in anything).
*nod nod*
i bet some of you are rolling your eyes lOlx.